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KGSM Apparels Ltd.
October 11, 2021
KGSM Apparels Ltd.

KGSM Apparels Ltd. is a ready-made Garments Buying House & exporter from Bangladesh. KGSM Apparels Ltd. is dexterous to export within very short interlude after the achievement of production because we have very good sourcing in import & local fabrics & trims. Experienced professionals to ensure quality manufacturing, style accuracy, as committed delivery and competitive pricing, operate KGSM Apparels Ltd. Our target is to be the market leader. We have separate Merchandiser for Woven, Knit and Sweater.

We are able to produce all kinds of Woven, Knit and Sweater items like Tops, T-shirts, Polo Shirts, Sweatshirts, Shirts, Trousers, Shorts, Skirts, Apron’s, all kind of Jackets, Towels etc… including denims. We are also able to do small quantity like 10 thousand pieces per color and 80 thousand pieces in a Purchase Order.

We have strong commitment to quality and our major target is to satisfy the clients like you with quality and on time delivery. We can offer enhanced service than others for pricing, quality goods as per buyer’s requirements and also on time shipment.

We have always kept quality controller in one factory for whole day for the follow up of the production and QC In-charge visit every factory every day. Concern Merchandiser visit factory during production to avoid any type of mistake. Also our Managing Director be join with QC team during the final inspection.